Did You Know You Can Use ArcGIS Field Maps With Stratus?

Did you know that you can use ArcGIS Field Maps with Stratus? Let's suppose your employee, Paul Bunyan, is out in the woods and finds an owl's nest he wants to mark so that it can be used in Stratus later. Let me show you how you can do that.

The first step is to open up ArcGIS Field Maps, which will have the information your team needs to share with their peers. As you can see in this example, the map with the ancillary layers is created and ready to share with the group. Now, you can open the Field Maps on your device and edit the activity while in the woods. This is done by opening the map, adding the feature to be added, locating the point, and then tapping the Geo Notes points and updating the attribute data of that point, such as an owl's nest. Fill in any comments, such as "do not disturb," and then update that point and submit it to ArcGIS Online.

Stratus users can see the same updates as they do in the web application. In Field Maps, suppose we can see the point that Paul added in the field by looking at the Geo Notes as a point feature. Switching that on, then one sees the points that were added.

Suppose that we find the stands that are within 100 meters of an owl's nest so we can determine the next steps. We can apply a spatial filter to our stands and only find those stands that are within the required distance, which is 100 meters of that owl's nest. This is done by selecting the Geo Notes points again, applying the distance as a search distance, adding the filter, and applying it. This then produces the result of just the three stands that fall within that filter requirement.

In this video, we showed you that with Stratus, you can add information in the field using Field Maps that can be used for decision making in Stratus.

Do you want to learn more about Stratus? Please visit our website at www.limgematics.com.

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